Nov 10, 2015 09:00 PM EST
5 Dirtiest Fruits and Veggies in the Supermarket

Pesticides and insecticides would still stick on the super market fruit and veggie area even after good wash. It is important to opt for the organic non-GMO section on the supermarket stalls as they would always provide the safest chemical free option. As per Eating Well Website, organic produce has fewer chemicals and more nutrients.

Organic fruits and vegetables may be more expensive, but prices are going down each and every day as various health groups are making a stand in promoting organic foods. As per the Organic Life website, EWG's research found out that almost 2/3 of the grocery fruits and veggies that were tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2013 has high pesticide residues even after it was washed and peeled.

Listed below are the worst fruits and vegetables on the shelves.

First on the list are Potatoes! Who would have thought that these staples are actually pesticide filled? As per the website, the average potato contains more pesticide by weight than any other crop produce.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Kale, Spinach, Collard Greens, etc. these green leafy vegetables are said to be contaminated and insecticide filled (since they are often munched on by bugs). These greens which is infused with insecticides is said to be toxic on the human nervous system.

Apples and Pears

It a bit surprising that these fruits made it to the list, non-organic apples are actually unfavorable on the EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce report for 5 years in a row. Non organic apples are toxic if consumed regularly most especially with children.


Surprisingly, 98 percent of peaches and 97 percent of nectarines were tested positive with at least one pesticide residue.


This green is most definitely not safe even if it is a common staple to many recipes.  As per the website, celery is capable of carrying more than 60 pesticides as it lets the chemical easily cling.