Feb 19, 2014 04:36 PM EST
Good News for Craft Beer: Oregon Senator to be Co-Chair of Small Brewer’s Caucus

According to a press release, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden has been appointed co-chair of the senate's bipartisan Small Brewer's Caucus. Oregon contains over 161 brewing companies, making Senator Wyden a wise choice to co-run the caucus with Senator Lisa Murkowski of Arkansas. 

Wyden believes that being appointed as co-chair is "an opportunity to make all members of Congress aware of the how breweries are becoming an important part of the national economy as well."  According to the Brewer's Association, the craft brewing industry contributed $33.9 billon to the U.S. economy in 2012. Craft breweries provided more than 360,000 jobs, with 108,440 jobs directly at breweries and brewpubs. Some of the jobs pertain to shipping and transportation of craft beers.

The caucus hopes to meet to discuss the importance of small breweries to the U.S. economy, as well as discussing means and methods for increasing the benefits to running a small brewery. 

According to the press release, the caucus is listed as follows: "Mark Begich (D) and Lisa Murkowski (R) of Alaska; Michael Bennet (D) and Mark Udall (D) of Colorado; Thomas Carper (D) and Chris Coons (D) Delaware; Saxby Chambliss (R) of Georgia; Jerry Moran (R) of Kansas; Ben Cardin (D) and Barbara Mikulski (D) of Maryland; Amy Klobuchar (D) of Minnesota; Claire McCaskill (D) of Missouri; Jon Tester (D) of Montana; Jeanne Shaheen (D) of New Hampshire; Charles Schumer (D) of New York; D)
Jeff Merkley (D) of Oregon; Mark Warner (D) of Virginia; and Maria Cantwell (D) of Washington."

This roster compiles Senator's from fourteen states. Currently, many distribution laws limit the ability of craft breweries to distribute their beer. These laws tend to favor larger breweries, and were established when those breweries originally began to distribute their products.