Nov 15, 2015 02:59 PM EST
10 Fun Ways To Look At Yourself Making The Most Of Your Winter

The Most lively season is approaching. Winter time is most awaited season of log fires, rosy cheeks and mulled wine.

Here are steps to follow to make most from winter.

Keep on moving

Aside from sessions of treadmill, do some new exercises such as ballet, aerial yoga, boxing and surfing to maintain tiptop physical condition and enjoy getting fit during winter. A half hour walk everyday can be equal to a half number of colds as those who didn't exercise, a study in American Journal of Medicine found out.

Take a Vitamin D Dose

Vitamin D supports bone health, increase immune system and produce healthy teeth. It is produced by a body that is exposing to natural sunlight. But since it is winter, increased danger of deficiency is high so taking a vitamin D dose is suggested.

Take a bath

Regain strength from stress by taking a long hot bath. Sprinkle some Epsom salts and add a few drops of lavender oil for to be relaxed.

Skipping breakfast is no, no

Eating a healthy and hearty breakfast during winter days can give energy to make most of the day. Bowl of porridge, with banana slices, berries, raisins, sultanas or dried apricots can start your day right.


Stay hydrated during winter. Water keeps your mouth from drying and your nose from having mucus membranes.

Keep watch of the wine

A glass of wine is good for the heart but do not exceed. Alcohols can produce harmful chemicals when digested. It can also destroy white blood cells that fight infections.

Eat Tuna

Tuna contains high level of vitamin B6, Omega-3 and mineral selenium and is a very healthy option during winter.

Sleep More

Having a very good sleeping pattern can increase energy levels, improve memory, boost levels of immune system. Get some best quality sleep by regular bedtime, cool sleeping atmosphere and avoid artificial blue lights before bed.


Go out and unwind. Based on some studies, relaxation can aid weight loss, enhance sleep quality and reduce stress. So start to be mindful and to meditate.

Carry a pen

Shared pens are a home of horrible cold and flu germs so place a rollerball into the pocket before leaving to avoid picking and sharing unnecessary sickness that can ruin winter.