Nov 16, 2015 06:56 AM EST
Are 'Beauty Waters' Really Making Us More Beautiful?

According to an article posted on Huffington Post, water is on top of the list when it comes to beautifying and purifying the skin. It has been proven to keep the skin's elasticity and glow. However, for the recent years, technology has introduced the so-called "beauty waters".

With names like Silica Liquid and Collagen Inner Beauty Boost, the growing industry claims that these liquid beauty enhancers provide "nutritional support for collagen formation" that aids in the elimination of fine lines and wrinkles. Beauty buffs and aging women usually turn to these beauty waters' help to regain their youthful glow and smooth and firm skin.

On the other hand, Michele Chevalley Hedge warned shoppers that some beauty waters are nothing but just marketing hype. She explained that effective anti-ageing beauty products use quality ingredients that sustain the underpinning of collagen. They should also have high levels of vitamin C that is the foundation of the collagen synthesis.

Sydney Dietitian Lyndi Polivnick advised customers to look through the labels and ingredients better to make sure they are getting the right kind and amount of nutrients. She also added a tip to look for products that have probiotics as these also improve the texture and quality of the skin.

A nutritionist from Sydney, Australia, Jennifer May, also suggested to slow down on chlorophyll water as it is really impractical. According to her, you can actually get the same nutrients from natural food for a lot less cost. Chlorophyll water can be good as a supplement and beneficial laxative for people who are suffering from bowel difficulties.

Furthermore, Chevalley, Polivnick and May all agreed that silica from these beauty waters can also be found easily in natural resources like celery, apples, cucumber, mangoes and strawberries.

Polivnick actually suggested health enthusiasts to make their own beauty waters with these organic products instead-add lemons and lime juice (for vitamin C) and sliced cucumbers to water. She said this natural beauty water is actually a cheaper and healthier option. One can add pomegranate seeds for more effective results.