Nov 18, 2015 07:10 PM EST
Porsche Responds to Paul Walker's Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Porsche Says Actor is Responsible for Own Death

Fast and Furious fans and loved ones have mourned the loss of Paul Walker when he died in a fatal car crash on November 30, 2013. Almost two years later after his death, his daughter Meadow Walker sues Porsche for a wrongful death lawsuit. With allegations that her father would still be alive if Porsche had installed accurate and proper safety features in the car. Two months later, Porsche responds to the claim.

Meadow's lawyers claimed that the Porsche Carrera GT that Roger Rodas was driving, with Paul Walker in the passenger side, lacked safety features that could have prevented the accident. Apparently, the company knew that the Carrera GT had a record of instability and control concerns. Knowing this, the company still failed to install a more stable control system to protect the vehicle from swerving actions in hyper-sensitive cars like the GT. In addition, her lawyers claimed that the seatbelt design is flawed where the actor could have easily escaped the vehicle before it caught on fire. Records show after the crash that the seatbelt snapped Walker's torso and trapped him in the car during the fire which was caused by the faulty rubber fuel lines.

In summary, if Porsche had properly designed the safety and control mechanics of the car, Paul Walker would have been alive today. But Porsche had a say against the claims.

Meadow filed the case in September and today Porsche alleges that Walker knowingly and voluntarily assumed all risks when it comes to the use of the GT, that the risks were obvious and known to the actor and he made a poor decision to expose himself to the risks involved in the GT.

Porsche brushing off the suit also added that the car was not maintained properly and would have been a contributor to the actor's death, in documents obtained by People.

Meadow's camp has not yet responded back. She is a teenager still grieving with the loss of her father from a tragic accident.