Nov 19, 2015 11:10 PM EST
Drug Abuse in the United States Has Doubled in the Last Decade

Drug abuse, the habitual taking of illegal and addictive drugs, is a timeless issue especially in the United States. It has always been a major problem that is just very difficult to let loose into thin air. Indeed, it is one of this humanity's main enemies.

According to a recent statistical research, one out of ten Americans has fallen into the abyss that is drug abuse. Despite the long term effects of excessive intake of illegal substances, these people just can't seem to leave their bad habits alone.

For whatever purpose they may serve, illegal drugs are often addressed to as one of the most effective forms of escape, leaving the victims with no choice but to stay trapped. Though the greatest of all helps are given to them, it is still one huge mystery how nothing seems to work. It is an endless cycle for most people. And although the abuse of these things remains high in the United States, not everyone is still as educated about it as they're supposed to be. Yes, there is growth of public awareness, but it just doesn't seem to help.

Drug Watch has released very alarming statistics regarding the misuse of addictive substances; an estimated number of 52 million Americans have been using prescription drugs for nonmedical-related reasons and recreational purposes.

 It seems that nowadays, what has become yet the biggest issue of all is how America's children have been labelled as the "Abusers of the Future". In a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), more than half of the people aged 12 and older have started their misuse and abuse conquest on prescription drugs that they have obtained for free from friends and family members.

Drug abuse kills more people are year than car accidents do. It has been stated that drug abuse is a worldwide problem, and the United States is the biggest addict. Unfortunately, drug abuse deaths have doubled in the last decade according to the L.A. times.