Nov 20, 2015 09:58 AM EST
Morrissey’s Book ‘List Of The Lost’ Nominated For Razzie-Like Fiction Award, Is The Smiths’ Novel That Bad?

After decades of writing songs to the lovesick in the world and catering to the depressed, Morrissey attempted a new format this year, releasing his first-ever novel, "List of the Lost," only a couple of months ago - and now, Morrissey's book is being nominated for a literary equivalent of the Razzie Awards.

Literary Review hosts an annual Bad Sex in Fiction Award dedicated to "draw attention to poorly written, perfunctory or redundant passages of sexual description in modern fiction, and to discourage them," which is to say that they considered Morrissey's book to have such terrible sex scenes that they decided to shame it by giving it this nomination.

Still, the "award" doesn't really cover downright pornographic material or erotic novels, so novels that directly pertain this sort of genre don't join Morrissey's book among nominees - and, it should be noted, the Bad Sex in Fiction prize has actually been awarded for the past 23 years.

According to BBC, the sex scene descriptions on Morrissey's book include "one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation" and a "bulbous salutation," between two characters, prompting judges to cringe enough to warrant a nod on this particularly shameful category - though it seems unlikely that the famously industry-hating musician will give too much attention to this so-called honor.

Esquire reports that Morrissey's book sees the legendary rocker in fairly good company, as the shortlist for the Bad Sex in Fiction Award also includes "Fear of Dying" by acclaimed novelist Erica Jong, George Pelecanos' "The Martini Short" and Richard Bausch's "Before, During, After" among others.

Last year, the "winner" of the prize was Ben Okri's "The Age of Magic," and other authors honored by this have included Norman Mailer, AA Gill and Melvyn Bragg.

The world will know whether Morrissey's book deserves the Bad Sex in Fiction Award on December 1, on a ceremony at the In and Out Club.