Nov 20, 2015 09:15 PM EST
5 Ways to Keep Calm During Times of Anxiety Brought by Terrorist Attacks

Terrorist groups have been successful in terrorizing the homes and lives of individuals across the world. From recent attacks against Paris, Nigeria and Beirut, and a flood of media warnings against them, there is no question that a high anxiety level is affecting this world's functionality today.

In a response to the latest death threatening video, New York Police Commissioner William J. Bratton says, "we will not be intimidated, and we will not live in fear".

Unlike the bravery the commissioner has displayed, there are those who can't help but strike fear knowing their fate is just around the corner.

Here is a list of 5 ways to keep calm during these anxious times.

  • Compare your fear with facts.

"Humans are naturally bad at assessing risk," says Psychologist Martin Seif.When a person fears the worst, it is unlikely to think that what somebody is doing isn't safe. But do it anyway.

  • Try not to dwell on Social Media too much

A heighten in anxiety will naturally occur when knowing more information about what you fear. Following the news and latest updates can definitely cause triggers in anxiety, so better have time in your favor.

By managing your time on social media accounts and evading live news shows and updates, a relief in stressful information is avoided which may cause anxiety.

  • Take a deep breath

"Taking a breath and closing your eyes to feel calmer," taken from The Guide to Dealing with Terrorism by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

It is no doubt that talking love ones and friends will help as well.

  • Discuss a plan with your family

It is important to discuss plans to keep in contact with family. The family is the number one support system. It is highly likely that news and conversations will influence the children, by asking them how they feel about it is recommended.

  • Just go about your business

Keep your daily routine that your most comfortable with.

If you worry to be in contact with people other than your friends and family, avoid talking to strangers and focus on goals you have to attain for the day.