Nov 20, 2015 11:50 PM EST
Break- Up Outsourcing: Only $15 for a Break-Up

Many companies have outsourced their services off shore in order to cut labor costs. Telco and banks are just some of the many companies that have done this over the past few years. However, have you heard of Break-Up outsourcing? Yes, that's right. Even breaking up with someone can be outsourced.

According to Stuff NZ, two brothers in Canada came up with this unique idea of selling avoidance as a service. Starting at $10 you can call them and ask someone to end your relationship instead of you.

The Breakup Shop , is the result of the unique idea from brothers Mackenzie and Evan (no last name for privacy purposes) who said that they are merely messengers. The brothers described themselves are university-educated entrepreneurs, started the business last November 9. The website has a variety of ways to break up with your partner, if you are on a tight budget and you think email or a text message is enough, this will cost you $10 for the service.

If you are more of a letter person, they also offer a standardized break-up letter starting at $20. Another one is a phone call which will cost you starting at $29 and up. If you are in hurry to be single, they also accept rush orders. For some people, they would understand that breaking-up would be devastating to their

Soon-to-be-ex, the company also offers an $80 Breakup Gift Pack. This pack includes Netflix gift card, a box of Chips Ahoy! Rainbow cookies and either The Notebook on Blu-ray, for women who would like to cry their hearts out or the Call of Duty: Ghosts video game for men who are too angry and would like to blow things up.

This is a marketing strategy that is making a noise now in the online community. This can create a fiction because even if the service does exist, since it's new only a few people have tried using the service.

Mackenzie says he and Evan were inspired to create the Breakup Shop after Mackenzie was recently "ghosted" by a woman he was dating: Instead of just telling him she didn't want to see him anymore, she stopped communicating and disappeared. Mackenzie was bummed.