Nov 26, 2015 11:00 PM EST
Your Vision Problem Might be a Hint of a Cardiovascular Disease

Are you having problems with your vision? Don't brush it off. It might already be a serious hint of a cardiovascular disease, a new report suggests.

In Greece, a 77-year-old man experienced blurred vision in his right eye. There were a total of 3 episodes and it lasted for over an hour.  The man's vision returned to normal at the end of each episode.

Since this is something out of ordinary, the man decided to go to his local hospital and consult an eye clinic.

The results of the eye examination proved that the vision was alright. The pressure within his eyes was in normal bounds too. However, when the doctor dilated his pupils and did a closer examination, the practitioner discovered something else. The real cause of the problem was a blockage.

A blood clot was forming in a branch of his retinal artery. This artery facilitates the flow of blood to the back of the eye so the issue is that the blood supply could not go through.

Blood clots are composed of cholesterol and platelets. In the man's case, the clot was from the carotid artery. It is the vital artery that supplies blood to the head and neck, said Dr. Ilias Georgalas. He is an assistant professor at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the department of ophthalmology.

Dr Georgalas is also involved as a co-author of the published report in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Indeed, the tiny clot was something to be considered. It was a serious health condition. The blockage can increase the tendency of a stroke. It can be fatal or serious, said.

The most important point in the report is that visual problems can be considered a hint of an impending cardiovascular issue. Dr Georgalas tells Live Science.

Loss of vision, even if temporary, recurring, or painless should not be ignored. The eyesight of a person is a very important factor in determining the health status of the body. Another tip that Dr Georgalas encourages is to visit an ophthalmologist for immediate identification of serious health issues.