Nov 27, 2015 07:24 PM EST
3 Healthy Snacks That Are Giving You Extra Pounds, Find out What to Splurge on Instead

One effective way to lose weight is by eating healthy foods. But it turns out this could be misleading since experts discovered that some healthy snacks are actually high in calories and giving one extra pounds. This list reveals three healthy but fattening snacks and the corresponding substitute treats to eat instead. 

Stop: Bacon Buttie- In 2009, a study found that eating bacon sandwich has some health benefits such as curing a hangover. However, in 2012 another study showed how it can badly affect one's heart as having it frequently for breakfast can lead to heart diseases such as stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis. "Just one day of eating a fat-laden breakfast sandwich of processed cheese and meat on a bun - and 'your blood vessels become unhappy," stated Todd Anderson, head of cardiac science at the University of Calgary in Canada and Heart and Stroke Foundation researcher.Recently, processed meats such as bacon were also linked to acquiring cancer.

Go: Poach or Fried Egg Sandwich- Eggs are considered one of the healthiest foods and a good source of a number of vitamins that the body needs. Eggs can increase one's good cholesterol level. They also contain antioxidants that can help maintain good eyesight. It was also found that egg is effective in losing weight. Egg provides high amount of proteins and consuming sufficient amount of protein helps in weight loss and bone nutrition.

Stop: Low-fat Biscuits- They may sound healthy and low in calories but when manufacturers start using un-saturated vegetable oils, most low fat food now contain hydrogenated fats which can intensify the amount of harmful trans-fats. High trans-fat snacks can have dangerous effects in one's heart and cholesterol level.

Go: Outcakes with Hummus- Dr. Sarah Schenker, nutritionist, shared the health benefits of making this treat a substitute snack. "Oatcakes have much lower sugar content than many low-fat biscuits on the market and are a great source of fiber. Top this with hummus for a fix of essential vitamins and minerals."

Stop: Cereal Bars- Though they are made of whole grains and are energy boosters, most of them contain high amount of sugar and fat. It also doesn't sustain one's hunger hence making him eat more.

Go: Peanut Butter and Toast- On the other hand, peanut butter is a real source of energy good for the whole day's work. It is also proven as a common source of protein.