Nov 29, 2015 02:07 PM EST
New Documentary 'TIme To Choose' Will Teach People About Climate-Friendly Agriculture

Global warming is a serious issue and it has been an on going one for the past 2 decades now. World leaders will be in Paris next week to discuss the issue on climate change according to a report written by the Huffington Post. The climate is related to the food people consume because this is what usually crops and organic food rely on with their growth.

But the earth's climate has been crazy for a long time now that growing healthy food is becoming a huge difficulty for a lot of people who are working in this industry. What a lot of people don't know is that the modern way of producing food that includes synthetic farming, factory building and all production involving processed food have affected our climate.

Imagine how the ozone layer is ruined every second of the day whenever factories producing processed food are belching all the smoke in the air doing their thing. Bottom line is that for the climate to improve; the agriculture industry has a lot of work to do and it should be the first thing that needs improvement.

All the chemicals used in soil like pesticides have a huge effect on the climate. This is also what stops the human race from eating and producing organic food. It takes 5 years of being chemical free for a soil to be called organic again. And by the rate on how people are using chemicals on the ground, organic living is getting difficult to achieve.

The Huffington Post has a great project for this dilemma and it is a documentary called 'Time To Choose.' It aims to educate people on organic farming and the many ways on how to grow climate-friendly foods. Catch it on November 30 via their website.