Dec 10, 2015 03:53 AM EST
Victoria's Secret Angels Model 5 Diet Tips Shared by the Woman Who Tells Them What To Eat

Did anyone ever tell you that Victoria's Secret Angels don't wake up that way? The runway models spend their days in the gym, training for the big day with the world's best fitness trainers and health coaches.

They work long hours in the gym, doing yoga, lift weights, kick boxing and all sorts of physical exercises to get them into shape. And that doesn't exclude the fact that they must also eat right. 

Vanessa Packer, from ModelFit, shares her health, wellness and nutrition program that are completely do-able. These are the same tips she shares with the Angels.

First, she recommends a healthy helping of oatmeal for breakfast. The Angels need whole grains to carb up for their exercises and runway activities.

Juicing might be something not a lot of people are into but Packer suggests drinking green juice after morning work out sessions. It's not an all-liquid diet. Packer suggests the Angels to take a daily dose of green beverage. Any green will do. It's a fast-salad way to the tummy after a rigorous exercise. Take note, that Packer doesn't recommend replacing food with drinks. 

Let's talk about sugar. Everybody loves sugar. If you want to stay fit, you have to say NO to sugar. It has to be a clean diet all the way.

The fourth tip is something that requires a lot of self control and consistency. Packer recommends cooking your own food instead of getting take-out. It also zeroes out the risk of ingesting unsavory chemicals. Avoid McDonald's as much as possible. 

And lastly, you have the option to cheat. There's no reason to eliminate a whole food group like carbs. As Packer says, "I believe in balance. I believe in listening to your body and what your body wants. Being less restrictive, being understanding what your needs are and what you want, and what you're craving, and not just, you know, eating for the sake of eating." 

It must work if the Angels follow it as they look glorious on the runway, as posted online.