Dec 22, 2015 12:10 PM EST
3,500 Christmas Cards Received by a Special Child After Request Went Viral

It's a season for spreading love and joy. Even a simple Christmas card can mean a lot to little boys and girls.

Sean Steward, a 10-year-old boy with autism, wished only to get 1,000 Christmas cards. However, support flowed from different parts of the country when they heard Sean's call. His mother says that messages keep coming in every day.

A lot of people answered his call and about 3,500 cards have been received by the boy as reported in Time. Sean's mom posted a request on social media asking people to send him Christmas cards. This prompted everyone to do the warm and heartfelt gesture.

Sean's mom, Jennifer Robertson, said to Time, "We're trying to keep up with the mail. It's definitely going to surpass 5,000 before it's over. It's just been overwhelming. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that we'd be able to meet the goal." It is indeed good to feel that people still care. It just goes to show that humanity believes in the spirit of giving.

Robertson says that her son was diagnosed with the condition five years ago. Last year, he found out that he was going to lose his hearing. His mother suddenly felt that she needs to do something that would make her son happy. Sean loved opening letters so she asked friends and family members to send mail to the boy.

Because of this simple act of kindness, Sean received 450 letters.

After this, Sean's story was shared in the local TV news stations. He's been flooded with letters since then. His mom even said that there's one letter that came from an Air Force captain.

Sean is a brave young man and he deserves a lot of love this Christmas season. For readers who want to send Sean a card, here's the address:

Sean Stewart,
PO Box 359
Natchitoches, LA