Oct 01, 2014 02:12 PM EDT
Colbert Report and O’Reilly: The Fox News Political Commentator Calls Colbert Dumb! [VIDEO]

The Colbert Report's O'Reilly comments are far from being over, after Bill O'Reilly hit back the comedian, calling him (or rather, his alter ego persona in the Comedy Central late show) dumb and saying Colbert has no idea of how to deal with different jihad movements such as ISIS.

The Colbert Report's O'Reilly fascination has been going on since the Comedy Central show first started, as Bill O'Reilly is actually on whom Colbert's "Stephen Colbert" character is based on - the comedian even goes as far as calling O'Reilly "Papa Bear." As such, obviously it's happened often that The Colbert Report and O'Reilly have issues with each other - mostly, when the Fox News political commentator finds Colbert's jokes offensive at some point.

However, The Colbert Report and O'Reilly have had a long mostly diplomatic relationship, as The O'Reilly Factor has had Colbert as a guest and the Comedy Central show also had O'Reilly as one at some point - to be more precise, on January 18, 2007, when both television figures guest starred on the other one's show. In the past, O'Reilly has said that he doesn't mind Colbert's jokes, as he's not mean-spirited.

This apparent truce seems to have ended now, as The Colbert Report and O'Reilly had their latest feud. After O'Reilly talked in Fox News about his plan to attack Syrian terrorist group ISIS with a team of NATO-trained and English-speaking mercenaries (a comment that was even frowned upon by staff members of the Fox News channel, who saw it as extreme and amoral), Colbert took it to make fun of the plan, by comparing it to blockbuster movies The Avengers and The Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as saying O'Reilly needed to step up and make bigger plans, like having trained ninjas take care of the ISIS situation within Syria's borders.

These comments infuriated O'Reilly enough to dedicate a segment to his show to "How to deal with dumb people", in which he said: "Mr. Colbert and others of his ilk have no bleeping clue how to fight the jihad. They don't know anything."

You can watch The Colbert Report's O'Reilly original comments below, as well as the Fox News' commentator's reply in his own show.