Feb 29, 2016 06:00 AM EST
Avacado Oil: The Next Big Thing?

The avocado is a curious fruit. Most fruits are generally sweet and acidic. The avocado, meanwhile, is composed of over 75 percent fat but most of that are the healthy kind of fat. Apart from guacamole, avocado's can be used for other things and we focus on the very healthy avocado oil.

Avocado oil is a good choice for cooking. It has a nutritional profile comparable to that of olive oil. Almost 70 percent of avocado oil is oleic acid. This monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid is the same kind found in olive oil which made oil famous as a healthy oil alternative.Avocado oil is very resistant to oxidation therefore it can be used for cooking and frying things up without losing the healthy aspect of the oil. Furthermore, avocado is generally a good source of Vitamin E.

In fact, it is one of the top 5 sources of Vitamin E. Vitamin E has various uses but it's most popular as an antioxidant which helps to slow down the processes that damages cells. Avocado oil is also high in chlorophyll. It helps detoxifying the body as it is a natural substance that helps remove mercury or lead in the organs.

Apart from the nutrients that you get from avocado oil, it helps you lose weight. The presence of oleic acid and fiber in the avocado together with a good diet and exercise helps out a lot in losing weight. You also feel more satiated from eating avocados. In addition, it helps out in the digestion, helping you acquire nutrients better from the food that you eat.

Lastly, avocado oil is very good for your hair. The monounsaturated fatty acids found in avocado oil is higher than that of extra virgin olive oil. When applied to hair, it helps moisturizing, nourishing, and strengthening dry and damaged hair.

Finally, the monounsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, and antioxidants that are found in avocado oil are better absorbed by the scalp and hair follicles. This not only helps in moisturizing hair, it also helps in protecting the hair from damage and helps stimulate growth of healthy new hair. Next time, try including avocado oil in your diet and hair care routines to appreciate how truly wonderful it is.