Mar 17, 2016 11:14 AM EDT
Thai Restaurant in Dublin Offers Takeout For Dogs

If you love your dog and hate to live him/her in your home when you are dining out, then this Thai restaurant will be the perfect one for you.

Camile restaurant's Doggylicious Rice Pudding is a "rice pudding and mango coulis dog treat topped with luxury Madeline biscuits," according to the restaurant.

On the inspiration for the menu's "doggy bag" addition, Daniel Green, a spokesperson for Camile, tells Mashable, "Our head chef noticed that when he brought food home his dog would go crazy because of the smell of the food. Not being able to live with the guilt he came up with the dish and we decided that it would be a great product to share with our customers."

"With so many people being dog owners there has been a big increase in dog friendly environments but there has been a lack of something you can enjoy at home with your dog," Green continued explaining. "You just have to look at the photos people have posted of their dogs enjoying the dish on our social media channels to see that people seem to be excited about the service."

Notably, Green's comments were not fake or baseless as people took to Twitter to express their gratitude for including a Doggylicious Rice Pudding for their four pawed member.

One customer tweeted a photo of her dog eating the pudding and writes, "[H]ow cute! It was gone in an instant!" Another tweeted a video of her dog eagerly eyeing the pudding, and writes, "Rufus is getting seriously excited by the prospect of pudding from @CamileThai."

Hence, although this might seem a gimmick to some, yet Camile Thai should be given proper credit for their unique marketing tactics, and the person who came up with the idea, should definitely be offered with a pay hike!