Nov 17, 2014 02:45 PM EST
Paper Magazine Confirms Image Alterations on Kardashian’s Nude Photos

Reality star Kim Kardashian recently stirred social networking sites with her daring move to have nude photos for Paper Magazine. Various comments on the photos' authenticity cropped up, and finally confirmation from Paper Magazine came out that indeed said photos were photoshopped, Cosmopolitan reports.

Paper Magazine editor Kim Hastreiter said that allegations are true. She explained further about one of the photos in which Kardashian posed with a bottle of Champagne, saying that it was almost impossible to open the bottle and have its content sprayed over Kardashian and fill the glass placed on her buttocks. The question whether photoshopping goes beyond the Champagne exhibition, is yet to be confirmed.

This development might lead people to get confused on what is real then among reality stars, particularly the Kardashians'.  Was everything true or just a perfect work of art?

New York Daily News revealed an opinion from the chief cosmetic surgeon of New Look New Life, Dr. Victoria Karlinsky who said that images looked unreal. Kardashian had an incredibly thin waist, no traces of body fat which is a bit hard to imagine.  Creative Director Mickey Boardman of Paper Magazine admitted that indeed minor alterations were made on the photos but "no extra meat was added to Kardashian's bones." 

For the sake of art and publicity, the incident has provided an avenue through which fiction and reality overlapped and the public makes a choice which one to emphasize and justify.

Art stems from reality and can be viewed from several angles. Reality provides the foundation from which art flourishes. Will it diminish then the authenticity of a real subject from which art sprang forth?

Kardashian's daring move sparked the interest of the majority.  It holds water in the world of entertainment.  It successfully captured the world's attention, hence, it has become a reality.