Nov 18, 2014 06:53 AM EST
Aphrodisiacs: Sexy Foods That Puts You In The Mood

Aphrodisiacs- Do you know that there are certain foods that can elevate your sexual desire? These foods dubbed as Aphrodisiacs have been around in history.  Due to their unique shapes, sensual taste or even aromas, these foods are known to improve sexual hormones, give a spike to body temperature and even elevate the energy you need for the act.

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) don't believe in aphrodisiacs. However, with its proven ability in enhancing sexual performance for a long time, there is no question that these powerful turn ons are really working.


Oysters are one of the natural aphrodisiacs that will really make you fire up because it is rich in Zinc. Zinc increases tester one production, improves fertility, and enhances one's sexual desire.  Reserachers have found that it contains amino acids including D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) that levels up sexual hormones.


Avocados are called as ahuacuatl, or "testicle tree" by the Aztecs due to their appearance as they hang in pairs on the tree resembling testicles.

Yes! Avocado can keep the fire up as it is a source of high levels of folic acid, Vitamin B6, potassium and Vitamin E that act best in retaining your youthful energy levels.


Chocolates are natural aphrodisiacs with its overall aroma and taste. However, dark chocolates are known to contain dopamine that promotes enjoyment in bed.


Honey has a good reputation for being aphrodisiac. Do you know that it is a symbol for procreation?  Honey is boosting in boron that helps maintain levels of testosterone and estrogen hormones. These hormones provide the right energy you need to be at your best.


Coffee is also one of the aphrodisiacs due to its caffeine content.  Caffeine increases heart rate and improves blood flow so it has the potential to turn each boring night to keep you and your partner up.


This watery fruit is not only rich in water. It is also an excellent source of lycopene that is known to have a Viagra effect.

Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are natural aphrodisiac like oysters due to its Zinc content. Zinc enhances sex drive and keeps your performance upbeat.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a good source of antioxidants, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are best for hormone production and blood flow.


Figs symbolize fertility. Figs are packed with potassium and antioxidant that will surely keep your blood flow right.

Chili Peppers

These powerful spices are natural aphrodisiacs with its tempting color and spiciness.  Chili peppers stimulate endorphins production, the feel good hormones that can turn you on, make you perspire and improve your heart rate.