Nov 20, 2014 11:49 PM EST
NBA Rumors: Will Child Abuse Case End Dwight Howard's Season?

NBA star and big man, Dwight Howard is currently facing a controversy regarding child abuse allegations.

The Cobb County Police are investigating the alleged incident of the Houston Rockets star Howard on his 7 years old child. According to the report of Sgt. Dana Pierce last Oct. 1, 2014, the Florida agency Howard Phillips Center for Children and Families were asked them to investigate on Howard's case.

The Entertainment news website TMZ stated that Howard is accused of beating his son with a belt buckle.

According to Pierce, the police immediately act on the case but did not find anything that can proves that Howard is guilty. However, within the last 48 hours, the Cobb County Police received more information regarding the allegations which made them have another look at the case.

Howard was not arrested and up to this moment, there are no other details available about the allegations. Pierce stated that the Cobb County Police are investigating the report allegation because the incident happened in the area.

Mike Bass, the NBA executive vice president of communications told USA TODAY Sports that they are aware of the situation of Howard and they are in the process of gathering the facts about the allegations. However, the team and the management of the Rockets declined to comment about the case.

David Oscar Markus, Howard's attorney, issued a statement about the case. According to Markus, the Florida Department of Children and Families examined all the evidence and concluded that the claims of child abuse are not verified.  The Florida case ware already closed in September.

According to Markus, Royce Reed, the mother of the child, with whom Howard is involved in an ongoing civil case about child custody in Florida, is using her son to get money from Howard.

The 28-years-old Howard is a 10-year NBA veteran and currently playing Center position for the Houston Rockets.