American Idol Recap: What’s all about the Twist?

Something almost takes place on the famous American Idol just this night! Ryan taunts a perfect twist that sends many shockwaves up to top five. What is this all about? Will they question them to give a hint on who would go home?

Like what is done on Drag Race and other shows, the actual shockwaves will not surprise Alex, Jessica and Sam. They would still manage to get bored.

The twist started with Ryan Seacrest opened the show that promised a good turning of events without the idols idea on it. This is such a shocking twist. There were previously shocking results on American Idol. But, the twists are something different. The results will come from the impact of the audience and the twists are sourced out from the producers. The show has in store something. What's this?

The twist is called- "difficult decision" and "game changer" that is expected to send shockwaves to the top five. The twist was presented: the contestants had the option to move forward with the results that are already planned for the night. They have the option to vote as one group for the results to be thrown out. Then, they can stay together for one week which results in the double elimination the next week.

According to MTV News, every contestant would get a vote, and if the results were to be scraped, then the votes still have to be anonymous. After the news was presented about the twist, they look astonished. Meuse looked as someone had slapped her face.  Caleb Johnson, asked, "Keep the group together?".

Preston Alex, seemed hesitant to say no. This is a tough decision to make for the group. The fallout may be about the producers that attempt to save Woolf again. The American Idol Recap twist still made it a bit more interesting. American Idol is still a famous television show and it is made interesting by the new twist.

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