Viral Video The Collective Project Robert Downey Jr.: Tony Stark Delivers Iron Man Bionic Arm To 7-Year Old [WATCH]

As anyone who has been paying attention knows, the guys in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are actually among the real-life superheroes in our planet: just a few days back, Chris Evans and Chris Pratt (Captain America and Star-Lord, respectively) visited a children's hospital in full character ... and now it's the turn for The Collective Project's Robert Downey Jr. story.

The Collective Project gets people together to work on something that'll improve people's lives - like Alberto Manero's project with Limbitless, which aims to create bionic arms for children.

The "Iron Man" star found out about the project, and went with the team in full character to give Alex, a 7 year-old boy, a bionic Iron Man arm.

Watch the inspiring The Collective Project Robert Downey Jr. video below and see this great kid keep his cool as Tony Stark hands him his new, awesome arm!

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