Joseph Gordon-Levitt Explains Why There is no punching in 'Sandman'

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, actor turned producer, is working on the adaptation of the comic series, 'Sandman' by Neil Gairman.

For those who are not familiar with the comic series, The Sandman is a large structure which is held together by the stories of the seven Endless. Siblings who dream as one. The Endless are manifestations of seven principles which govern important parts of every life in the universe: Dream, Desire, Despair, Destiny, Delirium, Destruction, and Death.

Each of them are distinct from one another and have individual realms, which they rule over.

They have symbols from which they can contact one another. Complicated as it may sound, Joseph Gordon-Levitt has taken the challenge of bringing this classic comic to life. With the help of Warner Bros., David Goyer, and the creator himself, Neil Gairman, Levitt has his own vision for this story.

This movie will very different from recent comic book adaptations turned blockbuster film.

"Big spectacular action movies are generally about crime fighters fighting crime and blowing sh*t up. This has nothing to do with that," he explained. "And it was actually one of the things that Neil Gaiman said to me, he said 'Don't have any punching.' Because he never does. If you read the comics, Morpheus doesn't punch anybody. That's not what he does. "It's going to be like a grand spectacular action film, but that relies on none of those same old ordinary cliches," says Gordon-Levitt in an interview with MTV news.

There is still no word of an official release date for the said film nor has there been a trailer release but it can be expected that this comicbook adaptation will bring something new to the table and be a darker and mature film than others that have been released so far. It is certain however that it is worth watching when it hits the big screens.

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