All About Gaming; Heroes of the Storm and DOTA 2

Defense Of The Ancients, or D.O.T.A .as gamers call it, is a very popular spinoff from the game Warcraft 3, so popular in fact that it has become an independent game title and has gamers around the world addicted to it. Blizzard, the company responsible for such games as, Starcraft 1 and 2, Warcraft, and the MMORPG game World of Warcraft, has come up with a new game which called Heroes of the Storm. The game is very much similar to DOTA but with a few alterations. Players start the game with only five heroes to choose from:

Tychus - A marine from Starcraft;

  • Li Li - A healer from WoW's Wandering Isle;

  • E.T.C. - A Tauren rock god wielding an axe/guitar

  • Falstad - A gryphon rider from World of Warcraft

  • Diablo - from Diablo 3

Play the game to level-up your profile in order to purchase more heroes. One difference this game has with DOTA 2 is that the gamers's characters contribution to enemy kills. In DOTA 2 gamers get to experience and get gold from individual kills and assists to teammates, but in Heroes of the Storm the game-play focuses more on team kills and not individual kills. The gamer's team levels up as one.

There are also several in-game challenges and events which the gamers need to complete in order for the team to win. Another noticeable difference is that, there are no hero items in Heroes of the storm. Unlike DOTA 2, which requires one to purchase items to help a played hero to become stronger, Heroes of the Storm relies only on the hero's skills and team strategies to win. Gamers simply need to go back to their base to heal or wait for healing orbs to fall from killing enemy creeps. There are  also daily tasks that may take to earn gold in Heroes of the Storm or simply keep playing team matches with other players.

This game has the potential to be great but is still far from the popularity that DOTA 2 brings to the table. Time will tell if Heroes of the Storm can live up to the expectations of gamers.

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