NASA Aliens: NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, Just Confirm Area 51 Conspiracy Theory?

Over the course of decades, conspiracy theory fans all over the world have talked about the possibility of NASA aliens, which is to say, the idea that the U.S. government, particularly through the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is actually covering up the arrival of extraterrestrial life on planet Earth.

The current NASA Administrator and retired astronaut Major Charles Frank Bolden, Jr. recently said that alien life most definitely does exist somewhere out there, but the NASA alien life conspiracy theory is no more than that - even if the place does exist as a research facility.

According to The Telegraph, Major Bolden recently gave a talk to British schoolchildren, and they were obviously more than interested in knowing whether the NASA alien conspiracy theories were true, as 10 year-old Carmen Dearing asked the head of NASA whether he believed in the existence of aliens.

"I do believe that we will someday find other forms of life or a form of life, if not in our solar system then in some of the other solar systems - the billions of solar systems in the universe," Bolden told little Carmen, speaking about the decades-running NASA aliens conspiracy theories. "Today we know that there are literally thousands, if not millions of other planets, many of which may be very similar to our own earth. So some of us, many of us believe that we're going to find...evidence that there is life elsewhere in the universe."

International Business Times reports that the former astronaut went on to state that he's been to the actual Area 51, and that he's found no actual aliens there whatsoever, saying that it's a "normal research and development place," as he said he thought the conspiracy theories stemmed from the secrecy necessary in the Air Force.

As The Register reports, the newest hope of finding NASA aliens in our Solar System now lies in Jupiter moon Europa, where it has been often speculated, due to its conditions (including a relatively warm ocean covered with a crust of ice), could host extraterrestrial life - at least that's what "2001: A Space Odyssey" science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke thought!

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