Michael Phelps Putt Video, Makes Golf Putt from 53 Yards; Maybe a Record for Longest Putt on TV [Video]

Michael Phelps isn't just amazing at swimming. He surprised even himself on the golf course of the Dunhill Links Championship in Scotland. On the sixth hole and his second shot, Phelps putted from 53 yards (159 feet) to make it in the hole.

The putt might've been a record, according to the Daily Mail, which stated that the previous record for longest televised putt was by Terry Wogan in 1981. The record was 33 yards (99 feet).

"This is something I do want to improve on," said Phelps while at the Ryder Cup last week. "This is something that my friends can still beat me on the course. I want to give them a challenge once in awhile."

Phelps tweeted yesterday after the awesome golf run:

Michael Phelps ‏@MichaelPhelps 

Pumped saw the putt from today... Crazy it took almost 20 seconds to roll in... Fired up for tom!!! @Paul_Casey

Michael Phelps ‏@MichaelPhelps 

First ever net hole in one!!!! Weeeeee

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