Jon Stewart vs Bill O'Reilly Debate Video: Watch Rumble 2012 on YouTube for Free

The mock political debate between Jon Stewart vs Bill O'Reilly, hosts of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" on Comedy Central and "The O'Reilly Factor" on FOX News was posted online on YouTube. Watch "Rumble 2012" above.

Complaints about the live streaming flooded the Rumble 2012 Facebook page, as numerous people who paid the $4.95 fee were unable to watch it live. Organizers apologized and explained that it was due to server overload.

Here are some of the highlights from the debate, according to NBC News:

O'Reilly came with signs saying "Bush is Gone", "Iran not frightened", and "Drones Yes, Waterboards No".

Stewart calls O'Reilly the Mayor of "B------- Mountain"

O'Reilly said "We should not have gone to Iraq. Afghanistan we had to."

When asked "Which famous person would you save if the U.S. were burning?", O'Reilly answered "Oprah -- she's worth about $100 billion." Stewart said "My family.... listen, Oprah's a great answer too."

Stewart sits on O'Reilly's lap.

If you weren't able to watch it, and not into buying it online, below is a YouTube video of the entire "The Rumble in the Air Conditioned Auditorium" between Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly.

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