'Owen Wilson' Uses the Same Lines in His Movies

Owen Wilson is known for his roles in Starsky and Hutch, Zoolander, and whole lot of other movies comedies which we will forever remember.

But did any of you ever realize that he says the same things over and over and over again? No love lost because of that for sure, but it is quite hilarious to hear “wow” and “honestly” played practically on loop. The Hollywood Reporter came out with this hilarious piece.

Starsky and Hutch 

Owen says a lot of other things. “What are you talking about?” Well, if you wanna know, then here’s the link to see the proof for yourself:


This is the new supercut called “Things Owen Wilson Says.” And “c’mon man,” it is a good 1:52 minutes of your life.

Trust us, you won’t “be negative” after you see the supercut even though, admittedly, he has many crutch phrases that he overuses in his films.

“Unbelievable” you say? Nah, not in the least. Because according to Owen Wilson, there is nothing “crazier than a road lizard!”

How someone can get away with that one once (or twice, or thrice) is beyond anyone’s comprehension. But it makes for a good laugh so, Owen, “wow” us however many dozen more times you want!

The Internship

He also favors a couple of expletives, that, really, you are betting off just watching than taking our word for it.

The video is the latest Owen Wilson supercut made and released by the Youtube channel Owenenergy Studioes. And it says (PART 1) so we should all sit tight until the next one comes out!

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