Chris Brown Tattoo: Did ‘Loyal’ Singer Get MASSIVE Head Ink During Rihanna Reconciliation Rumors & Royalty Custody Drama? [PHOTO]

There's no doubt that Chris Brown's currently going through a big time in his life, as he's in the middle of some heavy drama with former lover and baby mama Nia Guzman over the custody of their daughter Royalty, besides there being rumors that be may be dating Rihanna once more - was that what caused this fairly terrible Chris Brown tattoo?

Earlier this week, the rapper posted a photo on his Instagram account showing off the latest Chris Brown tattoo, ink that if it were real would see Brown actually having the Venus de Milo's face across his forehead - but he quickly deleted the post, prompting many to wonder if it was a hoax.

According to International Business Times, the latest Chris Brown tattoo was introduced to the world through the rapper's Instagram page, but the rapper quickly deleted the pic after fans pointed out how downright ugly the ink was and how inappropriate a head tattoo was.

After Brown deleted the post, many breathed in relief thinking the Chris Brown tattoo was actually a hoax, but there's further evidence of its existence: Billboard has posted a photo on its website taken from the Instagram tattoo artist King Rico (owner of the Bronx tattooing parlor Ink Studio), where he shows the finished results of the ink, tagging Brown in it.

Una foto publicada por I'm Expensive! (@iamkingrico) el 25 de Ago de 2015 a la(s) 5:08 PDT

While in King Rico's photo it's not possible to see Brown's head, one of his staple tats is there so he can be easily recognized, three stars under his left ear.


The Daily Mail reports that Brown is no stranger to getting ink on his body, as the first-ever Chris Brown tattoo appeared on his body when he was only 13 years old.

We'll just have to wait until the rapper's next public appearance to see if the new Chris Brown tattoo is for real - but it definitely seems like it is!

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