New Jon Snow Twin Theory Could Change Everything about 'Game of Thrones' [SPOILERS] [VIDEO]


The new, Jon Snow theory is putting "Game of Thrones" fans at the edge of their seats.

Right now, the theory about Jon Snow's parents is the most popular. Everyone aware of the R+L=J theory, which meant Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark are the parents of Jon Snow, practically already accept that it would happen. In "Game of Thrones" Season 5, it was even hinted on.

The R+L=J theory alleges that Lyanna, Ned Stark's sister, made Ned promise to take care of Jon on her deathbed.

But because of the new theory that has just popped up, everything everyone knew about the show is going to change. Everything.

According to Tech Insider, on Tuesday, a season six opening scene prediction was posted by Redditor ghostchief. The extreme "GOT" fan even outlined a dramatic scene between Ned and Lyanna:

"A baby's cry rings out as the septa raises a boy and walks him over to the man and woman.
The dialogue swells and clarifies to her voice, 'Promise me, Ned.'
Her eyes slowly close.
Ned begins to sob.
He raises his head to sound another high pitch noise coming from the foot of the bed.
A baby girl"

This new, Jon Snow theory would mean that R+L= twins. Now the big question is, who is Jon Snow's twin sister?

The Redditor answered this question quite concisely too, with much-needed evidence to boot.

The perfect candidate? Meera Reed. One of Bran Stark's companions on his journey to the north. According to reports, there have already been theories in circulation for a few years that support the new Jon Snow theory.

Ned Stark, together with six of his men, fought three kingsguard in order to reach Lyanna. However, only two men survived the battle -

Ned Stark and Howland Reed, his friend and the "father" of Meera Reed.

According to the new Jon Snow theory, if Lyanna really did have twins, it would have been safest if they were to split up.

For non-believers, there is evidence, and a fair amount of it.

Evidence 1: Jon Snow and Meera have the same looks, mostly their dark, curly hair.

Evidence 2: Jon Snow and Meera have the same age, according to the "A Clash of Kings" appendix, Martin's second novel in his saga. It might be coincidental that both Jon and Meera were born the same year that Lyanna Stark died, but maybe not.

In later appendices though, Jon Snow's age was removed, while Meera was shown to have been turning 16. According to The Inquisitr, some fans have no doubt that this was simply to disguise the fact that they are indeed twins.

Evidence 3: In "A Clash of Kings", Sir Rodrick reportedly told Bran that "Howland Reed was a great friend to your father." In later paragraphs, Bran remembers that Reed's people never visited Ned Stark at Winterfell despite their close friendship.

Fans who believe the Jon Snow twins theory assert that this was for a good reason, specifically to prevent anyone from speculating of Jon Snow and Meera Reed's connection.

This new, Jon Snow twins with Meera Reed story has already reportedly popped up on Reddit and A Forum of Ice and Fire. While many may think this theory as "Way. Too. Star. Wars," others are convinced, with a Huffington Post poll saying that 78% of viewers already agreeing to it.

If this Jon Snow theory of being twins with Meera Reed is indeed true, this changes "Game of Thrones" entirely. With Jon Snow supposedly dead, Meera could be the prophesized third head of the dragon. There is also the possibility that she is the reborn Azor Ahai, a figure of Melisandre's faith who will be saving the "Game of Thrones" world from the White Walkers, reported The Huffington Post.

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