Donald Trump Ducks Stephen Colbert's Question - Was Obama Born in the USA?

The political candidate for 2016 ‎U.S. Presidential election - Donald Trump, had in the past been an outspoken supporter of the claims that president Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. But on Tuesday, Donald Trump ducked a question by Stephen Colbert to get to him say whether he still believes it to be untrue that President Obama was born in the United States.

Currently, the host of the late-night television talk show The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on CBS - Colbert himself, called the question a "big fat meatball." It was intended that Donald Trump would never have to say anything in reply again, in answer to that question.

During the afternoon taping of the "Late Show" episode,Stephen Colbert asked Trump, "Barack Obama, born in the United States?" Trump replied, "I don't talk about it anymore" then Donald Trump changed the topic, saying he would rather have a discussion about jobs and veterans' affairs. When Trump didn't answer the Obama question, Stephen Colbert said that the "meatball is now being dragged down the steps of a subway by a rat."

On Tuesday's The Late Show, Colbert and Trump spoke about immigration, the Iran deal, and Trump's run for the White House.

Stephen Colbert said to Trump, "I want to thank you for running for president," Colbert also said, "I'm not going to say this stuff writes itself but you certainly do deliver it on time every day."

As the GOP front runner, Trump has been in many late night shows, but never with Stephen Colbert's show prior to Tuesday.

It was a gamble for Trump to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, since Colbert has a reputation to hit his guests with hard hitting questions especially those in the political realm.

However, Colbert was kind and pleasant, and Trump seemed comfortable playing to the audience of the show - some of whom gave Donald Trump a standing ovation when he came out.



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