Justin Timberlake Wife: Jessica Biel Serious About Educating After Silas Randall Birth – ‘Illusionist’ Star Wants To Take Taboo Off Women’s Health [VIDEOS]

Earlier this year, the Internet broke after the world officially found out that Justin Timberlake's wife, talented and beautiful "7th Heaven" actress Jessica Biel, was expecting the couple's first child, a baby boy, Silas Randall, born last spring - and pregnancy and motherhood have made the tough lady take some action about women's education!

A few day back, Justin Timberlake's wife Jessica confessed that, when she was trying to get pregnant, she was astonished to realize she didn't know too much at all about her own body and what was going on inside her, and so she decided to take matters into her own hands by launching a sex education web series alongside activist group WomanCare Global.

According to MTV, the clip series will be "informative but also goofy, smart, witty," according to Biel's own words, as Justin Timberlake's wife releases the first three videos on Funny Or Die.

The first clips of Biel's project see her joining forces with fellow actress Joy Bryant and comedienne Whitney Cummings having conversations about women's health issues, particularly dealing with topics that might be taboo such as condoms that ar too large (as the team led by Justin Timberlake's wife jokes that men always buy bigger ones), IUDs and birth control pills.

As The Inquisitr reports, Justin Timberlake's wife discusses her own experiences to highlight the points, including her discovery that she, in fact, has a "super vagina."

"I would have to set a timer and change the tampon every two hours because I would bleed through everything. It was like shark week," the actress hilariously explains.

According to People Magazine, though, it hasn't all been jokes for 33 year-old Biel, as the star recently went to "Good Morning America" to speak about her upcoming projects, including the sex-ed clips, and she was asked about Timberlake's thoughts on her new ventures - and it seems the "Mirrors" singer is fully supportive and "a wonderful partner"!

Watch the hilarious and educational clips starring Justin Timberlake's wife below!

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