Stars of Home Remedies Revealed

It usually starts with a little tingle in your throat. Then swallowing becomes obvious, air finds it difficult to pass through your nostrils and you're just so, well so sleepy. You can deny it all you want, but cold is making its way into your system. After all, positive thinking is powerful.

Cold is the number one most common condition everybody has experienced. I mean come'on, who has not have cold? And people found that the problem with having a cold is that "it's just a cold." You have to go through everyday feeling as if everything is okay, when it's not because everybody around you thinks, "it's just a cold."

If it had a more serious label like the flu, a broken leg or an infection, you would probably be able to get people's sympathy more. In this modern world we live in, only children get snuggles when they have a cold. Adults on the other hand get nothing but distance from their friends and loved ones who want nothing to do with the cold.

I always believe that if you are good to your body while you have a cold, it leaves you sooner. Old fashioned solutions are still around because there are still people who believe in their healing, or at the least soothing powers. Fluids and rest will certainly help you walk to the recovery stage faster, but there are also a few home remedies that will come in handy. Make sure you have these ingredients in stored in your cabinet so you'll be ready to help yourself feel better. Just in case.

Honey is considered the "star" of the home remedy contest. One tablespoon three times a day will help a dry, hacking cough. It acts by calming the mucous membranes and also has antibacterial properties that can cut the duration of a cold. Ginger, also a great cold fighter, soothes that prickly feeling you have in your throat that usually starts the dry, hacking cough that, once started, takes what seems like forever to stop. Ginger also has the power to loosen your phlegm in its path, therefore making it easier for you to expectorate.

Pepper also has expectorating properties. Ground black or cayenne pepper can help clear the gunk gathered in your lungs. Mix the pepper with honey and hot water to keep it from irritating your throat. If you want to have a quick relief for cough, suck on a slice of lemon sprinkled with salt and black.

Pineapple is new to the home remedy show, but it's already in the limelight. Its high levels of the enzyme bromelain have been proven to subdue cough and loosen throat mucous. A shot of pineapple juice, lemon juice, honey and a dash of cayenne sounds a little bit more yummy compared to traditional cough medicine.

Turmeric tea, also known as golden milk, is a tasty way to consume immune-boosting turmeric root regularly. Turmeric has been used in other parts of the world for its antioxidant and immune system benefits for a long time. Turmeric tea is mixed with milk or water, honey and other spices, then heated. A mug will surely be one of those comforting mug that'll be very soothing to the throat.

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