Carbonated Water: What Is It and What Can It Do For Us?

Carbonated water is a popular choice for many consumers these days when they are looking for a healthier option than soda and other sweetened drinks. According to the industry research from Euromonitor, sales have increased dramatically in the U.S. in the last five years and carbonated water is now a business worth one and a half billion dollars,

However, the question still remains about just how healthy carbonated water is? Despina Hyde, a registered dietician at NYU Langone Medical Center, reminded the public that not all carbonated water beverages are the same when talking about diet and health. She pointed out the need to be aware of what's in the nutrition labels on the bottles.

She told CBS News, the best thing to do is to choose something without any sweeteners at all. Natural or artificial sweeteners are often times found in tonic and flavored sparkling waters. Some types have sugar and a skyrocketing number of calories, and even those with artificial sweeteners can still add to weight gain, she added.

Even if they still don't have calories or sugar, they can affect our taste buds, our gratification with food or hunger later in the day. Even if these beverages have no added ingredients, carbonated water may still be a slight risk to people with irritable bowel syndrome because it can cause bloating, Hyde explained.

In general, seltzer or club soda are healthier choices than sugary sodas. Hyde said that finding these alternatives is great because we keep drinking way too much calories.

There has always been one wrong impression about drinking carbonated water and that is it prevents the body from absorbing calcium therefore increasing the danger of osteoporosis.

However, experts found this notion to be totally fabricated. The idea stemmed from a 2006 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which discovered a connection between carbonated cola drinks and lower bone mineral density. However, the research did not show the same connection with carbonated water.

As a result, Hyde recommends that drinking plain water is still the healthiest and least expensive way to satisfy your thirst. To add additional flavor, Hyde recommends soaking your favorite fruit in regular water.

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