U2 'In Shock' of Deadly Attacks, Cancels Paris Show

U2, an Irish rock band, has decided to postpone its Saturday night concert in Paris due to the deadly attacks that happened in several places across Paris Friday night. The attack happened a few moments after U2 frontman Bono posted a self-taped video promoting their HBO special.

Although some individuals commented on the video and urged the band to still continue with the scheduled concert, U2 members have resolved to stage the concert in an 'appropriate' time.

On Friday night, the band posted this statement on their website:

As a result of the ongoing state of emergency across France, the U2 Paris concert scheduled for 14th November will not be going ahead as planned. U2 and Live Nation, along with HBO who were due to live broadcast the Saturday concert, are fully resolved to go ahead with this show at an appropriate time. 

U2 members also said that they watched 'in shock' and 'disbelief'. They were also 'devastated' by the number of lives lost in the concert held at one of the places violently attacked. "We hope and pray that all of our fans in Paris are safe," the members said.

The Eagles of Death Metal, a US rock band, had their concert in Batackan Theater. In that particular area, dozens of hostages were held captive and then killed 'one-by one' before the authorities arrived.

HBO, the band's partner in the special, had been planning to televise the concert. However, due to the situation, they will instead show with the film "Jersey Boys." The special is part of the band's current iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE world tour.

An update posted in the Guardian website stated that Eagles of Death Metal are cutting short their tour. They have scheduled Europe concerts until December, including a concert in Tourcoing in northern France and in Brussels.

"The group is going to return [to the US]," a Nous Productions representative told AFP.

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