Lose Weight With The Leptin Trick

Weight loss is such a huge issue and a problem in a America these days and it is not just because this country is becoming a fast food nation. There are so many factors affecting a person's weight and health in general and part of them involves hormones like testosterone, estrogen and the quite unpopular yet so crucial, Leptin.

Allow us to walk you through this particular hormone and what it does to the body's diet and its link to losing weight. This hormone was just discovered 2 decades ago by Jeffrey Friedman along with his team of researches at the Rockefeller University in New York.

This hormone is responsible in telling your brain that you're already full after eating. If leptin is not functioning in your body, then there is a possibility of you eating way too much than the usual and the allowed amount that your body could take. Basically, it is a natural weight loss hormone, which protects your body not to be blow up from overeating.

Normally, people have it in their body except for those who have an issue or a defect related to the scarcity of leptin in their system. Statistics say that there are about 10 to 15 percent of the population suffering from it. Now, how is this hormone produced in the body is through the fat cells.

Leptin will do its job once the body has received or has gained enough fats. It would roam around the body and it would find a receptor where it could be connected with. The receptor is important because its connection with the leptin will then tell the brain that you have had enough food that you need. The receptor could only function once leptin is connected to it.

In order for this system or process to take place, meaning, for your body to produce enough leptin and for it to connect with a receptor, one must not eat "diet" foods. It is also a must to sleep right at least 8 hours in the evening. And make sure that you take in only healthy fats and have the right amount of protein in your meal.

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