As previously announced by BNP Media, the 2020 Food Safety Summit will be a virtual experience instead of an in-person event. This week the leading interactive forum on food safety will run the event 100% virtually.
For this year's summit, the organizers decided to work closely with the Educational Advisory Board. They aim to offer an in-depth conference program offering real-world business solutions for today and planning for tomorrow.
According to Food Safety News, Chief Events Officer Scott Waters is looking forward as the event will gather various industries together.
The event will also feature leading subject matter experts, innovative products and services from multiple companies, and in-depth learning about the food industry.

Opening the summit is a session on COVID-19: The New Normal for the Food Industry. In addition to that, there will continue with four days of educational sessions and presentations from exhibitors in the Solutions Stage and Tech Tent and networking with attendees.
The learning program will offer four 2-hour workshops and 21 1-hour sessions, and four major sessions.
Attendees who registered under Free Admission will be given access to the event's virtual exhibit hall as well as the daily general sessions. More information is given when you visit Food
Food Safety Summit 2020 Offerings
Opening Session
Title: COVID-19: The New Normal for the Food Industry
Subject matter experts from various fields, including epidemiology, food service, manufacturing, retail, distribution, and regulatory discuss the steps taken to address the current global pandemic.
Keynote Talk
Title: Back to Basics: Consumer-Focused Food Safety
IEH Laboratories and Consulting Group President of the produce division, Will Daniels, discusses the world's changes due to COVID-19.
Annual Town Hall
An interactive session with the audience and top regulators and agency leaders will be led by FDA's Frank Yiannas, USDA's Paul Kiecker, Rob Tauxe from CDC, and Steve Mandernach from AFDO.
Virtual Hall Exhibits
The summit's four-day duration also offers a view of their virtual hall exhibits that will run from 12:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. CDT. This virtual platform will feature video demonstrations, company product brochures, and offers a way to request further information from each exhibiting company directly.
Additionally, the virtual hall also allows food safety professionals to have access to interactive exhibits from various companies featuring products and services in different fields such as Sanitation & Hygiene, Environmental Monitoring, and Training & Consulting, to name a few.
Educational Content
The summit offers a generous amount of educational and learning sessions that will discuss various topics, one of which is food safety challenges. There will be over 25 1-hour sessions led by different subject matter experts.
Some of the issues include How Hep A Prepared Us for COVID, Developing Food Safety Disaster Plans, Foodborne Outbreaks, Best Practices around COVID, Difficult to Detect Organisms, Supply Chain Traceability, and Indoor Farming.
Solutions Stage and Tech Tent
Exhibiting companies will deliver presentations that will touch on various topics. They will also hold demonstrations featuring the latest developments in the food safety industry.
Experts from various fields include Biomerieux, FoodLogiQ, AGI SureTrack, Mettler Toledo, RiskLimiter, Millipore SIGMA, and JBS Logistics, among others.