The internet is a place where you can find the strangest and most outrageous challenges. Most of them were created to entertain, but some individuals still dare to try these challenges for themselves.
There are food challenges that can be hilarious to many, and there are also some that can be dangerous, and people should not be encouraged to try. Here are the most dangerous food challenges you should avoid at all costs.
1. The Cinnamon Challenge
This challenge calls for swallowing a tablespoon of ground cinnamon without the help of any liquid. According to Daily Meal, cinnamon needs water to be digested.
When consumed without liquid, it forces the person eating it to cough, and when it's in the air, it can easily be breathed back in. Cinnamon particles are so tiny that it can do damage, including causing scarring and a collapsed lung.
2. The 21 at 21 Drinking Challenge
In America, reaching the legal drinking age calls for a celebration, leading to some outrageous drinking challenges like the 21 at 21. The challenge involves drinking 21 alcoholic beverages to mark turning 21.
According to the University of Kansas, drinking 21 shots of alcohol in one sitting can be life-threatening and can increase the risk of alcohol poisoning.
3. The Soy Sauce Challenge
Soy sauce is known to contain a frighteningly high amount of salt. For this reason, the soy sauce challenge is also one of the most dangerous food challenges. Drinking the entire soy sauce container could easily lead to salt overdose. Hypernatremia or having too much salt in the blood can trigger seizures and lead to comatose or permanent brain damage and other neurological complications.
4. The Salt and Ice Challenge
To better understand how this challenge can be so dangerous, you need to know what salt can do to ice. Salt lowers the temperature of ice from about 32 degrees to around 1 degree Fahrenheit. It prevents ice from melting easily, and when pressed against the skin, it can cause a burn like sensation. As a result, this challenge can potentially cause first to third-degree burns to anyone who dare to try it.
5. The Carolina Reaper Challenge
Several food challenges involve eating spicy food, but some take it to a whole new level, as the Carolina Reaper challenge. The level of spiciness is measured by capsaicin levels.
According to Chilli Pepper Madness, the Carolina Reaper registers at 2.2 Million + Scoville Heat Units (SHU), making it one of the hottest edible chili peppers. Eating a Carolina Reaper can cause intense pain and burning sensation in the mouth and digestive tract. In addition, it can also trigger difficulty in breathing, vomiting, dehydration, seizures, and hours of excruciating heartburn. In severe cases, this can trigger an anaphylactic shock and kill you if you consume it.
6. The Tide Pod Challenge
This is by far the dumbest and most dangerous since it involves something that should not be ingested in the first place. The Tide Pod challenge calls for eating, biting into, or cooking and chewing packets of laundry detergent called pods.
Doing this challenge can cause severe chemical burns in the mouth, throat, esophagus. In addition, it can also damage the digestive or respiratory tract.