Alongside the rise of COVID-19 and the nationwide lockdowns that kept people inside the comfort of their homes, are the different diet trends and eating habits people dive in to.
Food Manufacturing mentions the International Food Information Council's (IFC) 2020 Food and Health Survey, which demonstrates 85 percent of Americans have made at least or a small alteration on how they consume and prepare their food, due to the pandemic, COVID-19 caused.
Being on a Diet during Holiday Season

Since the Holiday and Christmas season is sitting around the corner, indulging in food might become evident for some, adding a number to their weighing scale.
However, if you already dive into a diet before the holiday season, the smorgasbord your family might prepare for Christmas Eve might have been worrying you. Dishes can be healthy and should be enjoyed even if you're on a diet. Here are some of the foods you must eat so that your weeks of losing weight, won't have to go down the drain.

Relax, you can eat protein during holidays especially if it is turkey. Very Well Fit reports that this massive bird is a good source of zinc, lean protein, B Vitamins, and Potassium.
Medical News Today adds that eating turkey increases the feeling of satiety. This only means that eating this poultry will make you feel fuller and make you consume less food during Christmas dinner. Just do not smother the meat is so much gravy so that it'll stay healthy.
Read also: Healthy Diet Tips for Work-From-Home People

This red, rounded, and plum looking fruit will make your dinner table colorful and nutritious.
According to Yahoo! style, apart from being in season during the holidays, this fruit is rich in Vitamin C and potassium, and a good source of fiber. Yahoo! style points out that this fruit is low in calories, which is the focus of people who are on a diet.
Sweet potato

Thinking of having potatoes as a side? Why do't you try switching it with sweet potato for a healthier choice?
Very Well Fit notes that this tuber is high in fiber that is needed by our gut health after a sumptuous feast. Yahoo! style furthers that they are rich in antioxidants, sugar regulating, and anti-inflammatory nutrients that are beneficial for the health.
Cinnamon is more than just a flavoring and enhancer in some of your dishes. Yahoo! style mentions that it has lower cholesterol, balance insulin levels, and has amazing anti-inflammatory properties.
Medical News Today adds that Cinnamon can reduce some of the negative effects of eating high-fat foods, which can aid your overall weight loss plan.

Fruits have shown their positive effects on the body making them influential in some diets and is very easy to add to your favorite desserts. Yahoo! style points out that apples particularly the ones that enter the market this season, are high in potassium and helps in controlling the blood pressure.
Put it on your apple pie or consume it raw to enjoy its crisp juicy taste.
Indulging in food is not a crime during the Holiday season, for the law at least. But for the body, eating unhealthy foods will compromise its performance. Adding these foods to your diet this Christmas will give you a lot of benefits and also, help you maintain your healthy weight.
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