This 2021, every individual who was able to indulge in so much food during the pandemic and the holidays is trying to envision a healthier life by diving into different diet trends and committing themselves to fitness. One of the diets that are hitting popularity aside from keto and intermittent fasting is the raw food diet.
The story behind the raw food diet, according to WebMD, is that some fans of the said diet trend believe that the process of cooking makes the food toxic. Most dieters who undergo raw food diet usually consume natural plant-based foods, making it look like a vegan diet.
Cleveland Clinic mentions that these diets have types or methods, namely a raw vegan diet, raw vegetarian diet, and raw omnivorous diet.
The most common method is the raw vegan diet. However, they also add that the raw omnivorous diets include animal-based products, but as the name suggests, dieters who practice this method eat the meat raw and any unprocessed meat.
Promises and benefits
WebMD notes that this diet is also believed to relieve headaches, allergies, boosts immunity, improve arthritis, diabetes, and improves memory.
These effects might occur, especially if you follow the vegetarian or vegan method since fruits and vegetables are known to have properties that positively affect the human body.
Medical News Today mentions a 2019 review that demonstrates significant benefits of plant-based food (not necessarily raw) to physical health and certain diseases.
Cleveland Clinic adds that eating lots of fresh and natural produce will benefit the body for its hefty amount of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, plant compounds that can fight off cancer and other diseases called phytochemicals, and also the which will improve the gut health.
WebMD adds that this is also ideal for weight loss because most of the dieter's food is low in calories, sodium, and fat. The health site also references a study that demonstrates people who follow a raw food diet lost a significant amount of weight.
Because of this diet, Medical news Today highlights that processed foods' consumption will also be minimized that can benefit the body since sodium added sugars and unhealthy saturated fats can cause inflammation of blood vessels and lead to cardiovascular disease.
Should you try this diet?
An expert explains with Cleveland Clinic that this diet can be restrictive, noting that some nutrients needed by the body will not be included in their diet leading to nutrient deficiency. They add that avoiding dairy and eggs will lose the protein, Vitamin D, iodine, calcium, iron, and Vitamin B12.
Another risk that is faced by dieters committing an omnivorous diet is the consumption of raw meat. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that uncooked animal products may cause health problems such as food poisoning when eaten raw.
Food poisoning can too be caught through vegetables and fruits, but the bacteria in them that causes the disease dies when cooked.
Every diet, like the raw food diet, has benefits and consequences. It is still better to seek help from your physician before diving into a diet to know which diet trend will help you lose weight while also preserving your health.
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