The folks at Happy Egg Co. are taking their Happy Egg campaign very seriously. Like it's of the utmost egg-sistential importance. They not only want their chickens to be happy (did you know Happy Egg's eggs are laid by hens with room to roam on 8+ acres of range on small, family farms?), they're also looking for consumers to show their eggs the good life in celebration of National Egg Day (that's today!) on June 3. If you're up for the challenge, you might win a year's supply of Happy Eggs!
Show Your Egg Some Egg-ceptional TLC
Happy Egg wants you to snap a photo or video of how you're spoiling your Happy Eggs. First, draw a smiley face on your egg. Give it a cucumber eye mask, a bubble bath in a vintage teacup, a tiny salt scrub, or maybe build it a tiny egg-sized hammock for its plush little carton. Get creative and show the folks at Happy Egg how much your eggs deserve the good life by posting a story, photo, or reel on Instagram by Monday, June 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time. Make sure to tag @happyeggcousa (obviously), and whatever you do, don't crack it until June 4.
Happy Egg's Contest Rewards Egg-cellent Care
The three most egg-cellent entries will win a year's supply of Happy Eggs (which you can crack open whenever you please, guilt-free!). Our money's on @m4rimonteiro, who looks like she created the perfect girl's day for her eggs, smiley faces, hair bows, and all!
So, lose the frying pan and embrace your inner spa director within, just for a day. Your egg deserves a little pampering, and you might win a year's worth of deliciousness in the process! Get creative and share your egg-stravagant pampering session with the world. Good luck!