In a shocking exposé that threatens the very foundation of our childhood beverage beliefs, a TikToker has shattered the illusion of pink lemonade. Hold onto your juice boxes, folks, because this one hits harder than a flattened Capri Sun.
The Truth Hurts: Pink Lemonade is Just Lemonade in Disguise
Apparently (brace yourselves), pink lemonade isn't some magical elixir conjured by fairies using the laughter of children and sunshine. No, it's just...regular lemonade...dyed pink. I know, I needed a fainting couch, too.
TikTok user "@decrepitvibes" dropped this truth bomb on an unsuspecting world, sending the internet spiraling into an existential crisis to the tune of 3.3 million views. This post went seriously viral, making users nearly question the meaning of life.
"Consider my flabbers gasted," she exclaims on the video.
"But it tastes different!" one user lamented. Bless their little lemonade-loving heart.
The top comment on the post? "I just assumed it was strawberry lemonade."
That one got almost 25,000 likes. Clearly, @decrepitvibes was the internet hero we were all waiting for.
My favorite? "All strawberry lemonades are "pink lemonades" but all pink lemonades are not strawberry lemonades." Deep, right?
Even Google, the supposed fount of all knowledge, chimed in with a sassy "a search away from flabbergasted at all times," which really just adds insult to injury.
@decrepitvibes Big Lemon doesn’t want you to know this ♬ original sound - decrepitvibes
Pink Lemonade Confusion Abounds on the Internet
@decreptivibes got so many comments that it spurred her to post two more times in response to the original video. I'll be honest, the girl looks a little stressed in her follow up, noting that the comments she received are split between some saying the info she shared was simply common knowledge, to other's minds being obviously blown, while some people even went as far as to say that she was spreading false information.
For the record, the two most popular brands of pink lemonade - Tropicana and Minute Maid - aren't using nature's bounty to give their products that girly pink hue. They use Red Dye 40 - you know the one. That's the controversial ingredient that some studies say is linked to allergies, migraines, and cognitive disorders in kiddos, even though the FDA claims it's safe. Other brands like Target's Market Pantry (love me some Target!) list fruit juice for color on their ingredient labels.
This whole debate has left me feeling as though I've lost a few brain cells and even a little aggro at the fact that choosing a simple beverage is a little more like playing a game of mystery ingredient bingo and a little less "summer fun." At least it looks pretty, right? Right?