Justin Bieber Says He Has Similarities With Amy Winehouse

The "What do you mean" hit-maker, Justin Bieber opens up about his struggles of his on-going career.

Justin Bieber talks about his struggles of being famous and says that what he's going through right now has similarities and somewhat alike with what Amy Winehouse also went through during her career. Amy Winehouse died at the age of 27, 4 years ago.

Bieber stated that it's a lonely feeling when he goes on tours and people see all the nice things and his success but can't actually see what's on the other side, especially when he has to fake out his happiness because others look up to him as an inspiration and they don't really realize that everything is different behind closed doors.

He also mentioned about living under a spotlight, where people and the paparazzi are all over him, following him around, observing every move he makes and everything is intense that he can't do anything freely. The feeling, he said it's a depressing feeling when he can't even have a lone time to himself

He compared his situation with what Amy Winehouse went through during her years of success, saying that people kept putting her down until she have lost her track and herself while she walks her journey, same thing with what people are doing to him right now. Putting him down, slowly making his path all blurry, it's a sad life he said.

Justin Bieber wishes for people to know that he's only human and just like everyone else, there will always be those hard days that'll make a person struggle that would test their faith.

The pop-star admits that he's also struggling because people usually expect a lot from him. They expect him to be wholesome because he was once portrayed and everything is just hard on him because he always has to maintain a "good" image.

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