Dec 04, 2014 05:04 AM EST
Paleo Diet Update: New Berkley Café Is For Paleo Diet Fans

A café called "Berkley Kitchens" is the newest area in town for Paleo diet fans to go to in order to get a hearty and a fulfilling meal. From lamb tongue to meatballs, cabbage and Brussel sprouts, the café serves it.

The owners of the new café are said to make Stone age-inspired dishes as well as snacks for the fans of the above-mentioned diet and it is located in West Berkley.

Another café from the same owners have started "Mission: Heirloom's Vine + Shattuck Café" located in North Berkley's Gourmet Ghetto. Both cafés use gluten and grain-free ingredients to make the cuisines.

The owners of the café said that they started the Paleo diet through trial and error. One of them said, "We did all kinds of testing - I guess you would call it bio-hacking. Once I tried Paleo, I went from feeling horrible to amazing almost overnight. I did a three-week trial and I've never felt as healthy as I feel since I started eating this way."

The cafés have been selling to the public ever since May this year and the owners were designers back then but ditched that career and started to cook the meals and served it to their friends until it became a business.

The people they cater to are middle-aged women, young moms, and health-conscious young professionals. The owners hope that their project would expand more in order to help more people who are into the Paleo diet.

Also, the two has hired chef Christian Phernetton, a well-known professional chef who has worked independently with different restaurants, and is now working closely with the two.

The menu has different flavors one could indulge on such as comfort food from all over the world as well as in-house desserts.

The Paleo diet strives to copy meals back in the days when it was about low-carbs and pasture-raised meat and eggs. The diet avoids the following: dairy, grains, refined sugars, legumes and vegetable oils.