Dec 18, 2014 02:20 AM EST
Zak Williams Opens-up about His Father’s Death, Robin Williams

Recently Zak Williams, son of the late great actor and comedian Robin Williams had an interview with People. On that interview Zak revealed that he committed suicide. He was mourning and missing him so much that he became suicidal four months ago.

"I miss him all the time. Often I see something or if I'm watching a film, I think, 'Oh, man, he would have appreciated this' or 'He would have gotten a laugh out of this.' "Zak also said that his siblings, Cody and Zelda are also still emotional and there's no single day they won't remember their father. He explained that they all are still grieving. "There's not a day that goes by that we don't think about our dad."

It was Oct. 2014 when Zelda had a paid tribute to their father in the honor of the World Mental Health Day celebration. In line to this, Zelda posted her series of tweets about mental health awareness and at the same time to encourage her followers to have their part ending the stigma about the issue.

Zelda Williams @zeldawilliams

So please, let's help stop the misconceptions & support those who need our help. Healing the whole starts with healing minds.

4:46 AM - 11 Oct 2014

E! news reported that Zelda also encouraged everyone to raise their awareness about the disease and to donate whatever they can in any mental health institutions and that includes the Barrow Neurological Foundation and Hope for the Warriors. Zelda also mentioned her father's illness in line with mentality and depression. Although, Robin Williams failed to win in his own battles against depression and chose to commit suicide to end his suffering month of Aug.2014, Zelda urged tweeter followers to just "fight on!"

Zelda Williams @zeldawilliams

Lastly, my dad openly fought depression his whole life, both in general and his own. No matter what anyone says, it is a FIGHT. Fight on.

5:33 AM - 11 Oct 2014

According to police reports, Robin Williams committed suicide Aug. 11, 2014 by hanging himself using a belt. He died at age 63.