Dec 22, 2014 05:41 AM EST
Drinking On Christmas? 10 Tips That Will Keep You Safe And Healthy This Holiday

Drinking on Christmas is sometimes inevitable. Christmas brings together families and friends and so there are lots of parties that you need to go to. To keep you away from the sickening hangover and headaches and worst, troubles, here are heart-healthy tips for drinking on Christmas.

Eat before drinking. Eating before drinking slows down alcohol absorption so you won't end up wasted and drunk when you're drinking on Christmas.  Since it's holiday, keep yourself a reserve so you can still eat and drink a little more to other parties that you need to attend to.

Drink water in between alcohol. Water can keep you last longer as it flashes out the alcohol. Water also limits your alcohol consumption as you feel fuller before your next shot. It is also the best way to keep hangover at bay the following day.

If you are drinking on Christmas, drink less. This is the most appropriate drinking on Christmas advice that you can take.   Heavy drinkers are prone to some accidents and assaults during Christmas so to avoid this, make sure to limit your intake.

The recommended drink for men is not more than 3 to 4 units while for women are not more than 2 to 3 standard drinks daily. An ideal drink contains more or less 10 grams of alcohol, 60 ml glass of fortified wine, 100 ml glass of table wine or 30 ml spirits according to the National Health and Medical Research Council.

If you are out farther than the city, make sure to go home as early as possible or before it gets midnight. Accidents and assaults increases by 20 percent after midnight drinking on Christmas.

Another drinking on Christmas tip that you can follow is never mix your drink with strong substances or any energy drink. Others have thought these substances can't make them sober, but these are known to increase your vulnerability to some violent accidents and fights.