Jan 25, 2015 09:15 PM EST
Georgia Couple Missing: [+DETAILS] Georgia Couple Missing After Contacting Craiglist Seller Of 1966 Mustang, Suspect Identified

Georgia couple missing since Thursday is still being searched by police from Telfair, Wheeler and Jeff Davis counties. The Marietta couple was reportedly missing after they plan to go to McRae to buy a 1966 Mustang from a person they have talked to through Craiglist.

According to 13WMAZ, Telfair County Sheriff Chris Steverson has identified the suspect, Ronnie "Jay" Towns, 28, for the Georgia couple missing, Bud and June Runion. Investigators had found out that the suspect made false statement earlier when he was interrogated by the Telfair County officials.

Bud Runion, 69, and June Runion, 66, were last seen Thursday afternoon when they left their home in Marietta, Georgia to drive to Telfair County, almost 300-mile drive to meet someone who had responded to their ad in search for a 1966 Mustang. However, the couple hasn't returned home since then.

The investigators found out that the last person the Georgia couple missing contacted with through their phone was Towns. "We were interested in who last had phone contact with the Runions, and this individual did," says Steverson.

The Georgia couple missing was last seen on their 2003 champagne-colored GMC Envoy around 2 p.m. Stephanie Bishop, daughter of the couple stated that his dad was too excited for the car who was known for his passion for classic cars, Washington Post reported.

Another daughter of the Georgia couple missing, Brittany Peterson said that their parents are known to be cautious all the time. She stated that her parents would always call to inform if they are okay and that his dad would always remind them the same.

Bud Runion is a 5 feet, 7 inches tall with balding gray hair and blue eyes. He weighs 165 pounds. His wife, June Runion stands 5 feet, 5 inches tall, has brown hair and green eyes, and weighs 135 pounds. Up to this moment, officials of various counties continued their search for Bud and June Runion.

As the investigation and search for the Georgia couple missing, a Facebook page was set up to speed up the case. The Facebook page entitled "Find Bud & Ray Runion" contains post about the couple's updates, photos and latest news about the couple . It has received 78, 693 likes.

Any information regarding the Georgia couple missing could be reported to 229-868-6621.

Telfair County Sheriff Chris Steverson has identified the suspect, Ronnie "Jay" Towns, 28, for the Georgia couple missing, Bud and June Runion.