Feb 17, 2015 11:27 AM EST
Perfect Tea Revealed: British Standards Institution Releases How-To Guide To PERFECT Cup Of Tea! [PHOTO]


For those who love to drink a cuppa in the afternoon and love to follow the right and approved approach to it, now the British Standards Institution has released a new guide that shows everyone how to make the perfect tea so it tastes the best way possible - and you don't even have to wait until 5 o'clock!

After centuries of people around the world taking a cup of their favorite tea infusion, finally experts on the subject have uncovered the secrets for the perfect tea, and, unsurprisingly enough, it's the Brits who hold the key to drinking the beverage to its full capacity.

According to The Independent, the guide to the perfect tea is officially called "Preparation of a liquor of tea for use in sensory tests," which is really a fancy way of saying that it's an experts' compilation of the best formula to drink up a nice cuppa, as they say in England.

The perfect tea venture was a joint effort between different organizations that specialize in the drink, like the British Tea Producers' Association, Fisheries and Foods, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Tea Trade Committee. Originally, the standards were developed in 1980 to help out those people who taste tea professionally, and it's officially known as BS 6008.

Metro reports that, shocker, milk should be the very first ingredient to make a perfect cup. Another thing to take into account is that you should always serve it in a porcelain pot, so it's time to get rid of those silly Darth Vader mugs. You should also use 2g of tea for every 100ml of water to obtain maximum flavor - and, when boiling your water, the temperature shouldn't exceed 85 degrees Celsius but should definitely be above 60 degrees Celsius.

According to The Daily Mail, these guys take the perfect tea so seriously they even posted a diagram on how to achieve it on their website!