Mar 04, 2015 01:27 PM EST
Jon Stewart Netanyahu: ‘Daily Show’ Host Blasts Benjamin Netanyahu Congress Speech And Republicans [VIDEO]

Ever since the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed the US Congress last Tuesday about the White House's negotiations with Iran in regards to nuclear policy, media in all three countries has exploded with criticism towards the Israeli head of State, but perhaps Jon Stewart's Netanyahu monologue was the toughest of them all.

As it's tradition with the longtime "Daily Show" host, Jon Stewart's Netanyahu speech went all-out against not only the Prime Minister, but also the sitting GOP Congress and even the White House, as he poked fun that Israel is so powerful that Netanyahu entered the US to speak ill of Barack Obama and the President still defends him.

Salon reports that the take of Jon Stewart on Netanyahu's speech left nobody out, as it took aim to everyone involved in the entire ordeal, after Netanyahu was invited to speak in Congress without the legislative body of the nation even consulting the executive branch, in other words, acting behind the White House's back.

As The Huffington Post reports, the Jon Stewart Netanyahu opinion is only one of many in this regard, as the Prime Minister's speech (and even his visit to the US) has met with divided takes; so much so that President Obama himself has announced that he won't be meeting with the Jewish Prime Minister during his visit, nor will Vice President Joe Biden, who is currently in Guatemala - though Stewart wasted no time in poking fun of the VP, saying he'd gone away to keep him from getting touchy-feely with Mrs. Netanyahu.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Jon Stewart's Netanyahu opinions went far beyond this, saying that the speech was the State of the Union that the Republican Party wanted, spoken by the leader they desired, all while also showing clips of previous Netanyahu speeches in Congress to show how mistaken he has been over the past years.

You can watch Jon Stewart's Netanyahu speech below.