Apr 27, 2015 12:14 PM EDT
Daniel Craig Bond: After Heineken, James Bond Actor Turns Down $5 MILLION For ‘Spectre’ Product Placement

The second wave of Sony Pictures leak released last week has featured some of the biggest names in show business, including a highly publicized scandal starring the new Batman actor, Ben Affleck; now, it appears that even Daniel Craig's Bond is involved, as it turns out the British actor refused a huge product placement deal for this year's James Bond release.

It's been a hard year for Sony Pictures' privacy, as the major film company has been under a series of hacking attacks that have shown the world how some of its major figures interact among each other, including the revelation that Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence charged less over "American Hustle" revenue than their male co-stars; now, it's Daniel Craig's Bond under fire.

According to Cinema Blend, Sony Mobile made an incredibly high offer so "Spectre" would feature heavy product placement for their phones, but it seems like neither Daniel Craig's Bond nor director Sam Mendes thought the offer was enough to make the phones cool enough for agent 007.

Mashable reports that the revelation about Daniel Craig's Bond came as the site got its hands on internal communication from Sony Pictures (apparently the easiest to hack company in Hollywood) where Sony Mobile made an offer of $5 million so Commander Bond would use one of their smartphones - but they were ultimately rejected by both the film's star and its director, as Bond as a character is used to the best there is out there and Sony phones just don't cut it.


"BEYOND the $ factor, there is, as you may know, a CREATIVE factor whereby Sam and Daniel don't like the Sony phone for the film (the thinking, subjectively/objectively is that James Bond only uses the 'best,' and in their minds, the Sony phone is not the 'best')," wrote Andrew Gumpert, the President of Worldwide Business Affairs and Operations for Columbia Pictures, according to Metro.

If they'd accepted the deal, it would have included $18 million in marketing for "Spectre" with an extra $5 million for the movie's star.

With this, fans can only wonder what exactly would be the top choice in smartphones for Daniel Craig's Bond!